About Us



Board Members

Team Leaders

Our Story

The idea for Gold Star Peak, Inc began with a project to name an unnamed peak near the Chugach State Park in Alaska. The peak, now named “Gold Star Peak”, was named to honor the families who lost a loved one while serving in the military. No one has given more to our country than the families of our fallen: our Gold Star Families. The naming of the peak was a very small token of our appreciation for the unthinkable sacrifices they have endured. Gold Star Peak quickly turned into something much bigger as the connection among Gold Star Families and Veterans, especially in nature, is a connection where many walk away feeling an enormous sense of healing.

Our Mission & Vision

Mission: To bring Veterans and Survivors together in nature to remember and honor the fallen and bring healing to all.

Vision: To improve the wellbeing of military Veterans and the Gold Star Families of service members who have given their lives in time of war, through education, support and advocacy.


What We Do

We are a team of Gold Star Families, veterans, service members and their families, that have all seen the devastation that combat has brought from the battlefields to our homes and communities.  Gold Star Peak, Inc. was formed in direct response to the growing number of individuals and families that continue to struggle from the effects associated with years of continued combat service.

We connect Veterans and Gold Star Family members together in nature, assisting with their overall healing and grieving process.  We work independently or through fiscal partnerships with local and national organizations with similar visions.

Come Climb with Us

We provide full day adventures in nature surrounded by some of the most peaceful and pristine settings of Alaska with the goal of providing a safe, healing space to remember and grieve those we’ve lost.

We do not support or oppose any political candidate running for public office nor take a position on any political controversy, public or private. Federal regulations prohibit organizations like Gold Star Peak, Inc. from using any staff time or resources for partisan political purposes. This is a strict prohibition and any perceived violation could result in a costly investigation by the public, media, and/or IRS and could result in the possible revocation of Gold Star Peak, Inc. tax-exempt status. 

Personal political activities carried out by Gold Star Peak, Inc. personnel on their own time is permitted, however, no political activity carried out by any Gold Star Peak, Inc. officer or employee should be considered an endorsement by Gold Star Peak, Inc. proper.